About me
I am interested in descriptive set theory and its connections to different fields, such as combinatorics, measure and group theory. From October 2022, I am the PI of the Borel Combinatorics and Complexity Momentum research group. My CV. E-mail: zoltan.vidnyanszky@ttk.elte.hu Office: D3.421 Borel Combinatorics Seminar Webpage
Work In Progress
4. ZV: Ramsey and hypersmoothness.
3. S. Brandt, Y. Chang, J. Grebik, C. Grunau, V. Rozhon, ZV: Local Problems on Trees from the Perspectives of Distributed Algorithms, Finitary Factors, and Descriptive Combinatorics.
2. M. Elekes, M. Poor, ZV: Haar-positive closed subsets of Haar-positive analytic sets.
1. R. Carroy, B. D. Miller, D. Schrittesser, ZV: A basis under injective homomorphism for definable graphs with chromatic number at least three.
26. J. Frisch, A.S. Kechris, F. Shinko, ZV: Realizations of countable Borel equivalence relations, submitted.
25. T. Katay, L. M. Toth, ZV:
The CSP Dichotomy, the Axiom of Choice, and Cyclic Polymorphisms, submitted.
24. J. Grebik, ZV: Ramsey, expanders, and Borel chromatic numbers, submitted.
23. S. Brandt, Y. Chang, J. Grebik, C. Grunau, V. Rozhon, ZV: Deterministic Distributed algorithms and Descriptive
Combinatorics on \Delta-regular trees, submitted.
22. S. Brandt, Y. Chang, J. Grebik, C. Grunau, V. Rozhon, ZV: On homomorphism graphs, submitted.
21. A. Medini, ZV: Zero-dimensional \sigma-homogeneous spaces, submitted.
20. S. Brandt, Y. Chang, J. Grebik, C. Grunau, V. Rozhon, ZV: Local Problems on Trees from the Perspectives of Distributed Algorithms, Finitary Factors, and Descriptive Combinatorics,
conference paper, in proceedings of the 13th ITCS.
19. J. Grebik, ZV: Tall F_\sigma subideals of tall analytic ideals,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, to appear.
18. R. Carroy, B. D. Miller, ZV: On the existence of small antichains for definable quasi-orders,
Journal of Mathematical Logic, to appear.
17. R. Carroy, B. D. Miller, D. Schrittesser, ZV: Minimal definable graphs of definable chromatic number at least three,
Forum of Mathathematics Sigma, 9 (2021) e7.
16. B. D. Miller, ZV: On the existence of large antichains for definable quasi-orders,
Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2020), no. 1, 103-108.
15. M. Elekes, D. Nagy, M. Poor, ZV: A Haar meager set that is not strongly Haar meager,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 235 (2020), 91–109.
14. R. Carroy, Y. Pequignot, ZV: Embeddability on functions: order and chaos,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371
(2019) 6711–6738.
13. S. Todorcevic, ZV: A complexity problem for Borel graphs,
Inventiones Mathematicae 226 (2021), 225--249.
12. P. Komjath, I. Leader, P. A. Russell, S. Shelah, D. T. Soukup, ZV: Infinite monochromatic sumsets for colourings of the reals,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 147
(2019) 2673–2684.
11. U. Darji, K. Kalina, V. Kiss, M. Elekes, ZV: The structure of random automorphisms of the rational numbers,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 250 (2020), 1–20.
10. U. Darji, K. Kalina, V. Kiss, M. Elekes, ZV: The structure of random automorphisms of the random graph,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, to appear.
9. U. Darji, K. Kalina, V. Kiss, M. Elekes, ZV: The structure of random homeomorphisms,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 237 (2020), 75–113.
8. U. Darji, K. Kalina, V. Kiss, M. Elekes, ZV: The structure of random automorphisms of countable structures,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371
(2019) 8829–8848.
7. B. Farkas, Y. Khomskii, ZV: Almost disjoint refinements and mixing reals,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 242 (2018), 25-48.
6. M. Elekes, ZV: Characterization of order types of pointwise linearly ordered families of Baire class 1 functions,
Advances in Mathematics 307 (2017), 559–597.
5. M. Elekes, ZV: Naively Haar null sets in Polish groups,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications 446 (2017), 193–200.
4. M. Elekes, V. Kiss, ZV: Ranks on the Baire class \xi functions,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368 (2016), no. 11, 8111–8143.
3. V. Kiss, ZV: Unions of regular polygons with large perimeter-to-area ratio,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 53 (2015), no. 4, 878–889.
2. M. Elekes, ZV: Haar null sets without G_\delta hulls,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 209 (2015), no. 1, 199–214.
1. ZV: Transfinite inductions producing coanalytic sets,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 224 (2014), 155–174.
PhD Thesis